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VedicPot is a World's 1st Authentic Ayurvedic Sweets manufacturer brand in India. VedicPot Private Limited is founded by Ayur-Vedic Cuisines Expert & Vedic Concept Designer Dr. Meera Sapariya (MD. Ayu. (KC) & Professor) who is passionate about creating healthy and delicious Ayurvedic sweets. VedicPot committed to providing our customers with the highest quality customise sweets that are made with the freshest and purest ingredients with a variety of Ayurvedic herbs and spices that offer a range of health benefits and balancing the physical, mental and spiritual functions of the human body. We offer a wide range of Sweets from Ancient Ayurvedic methods that reflect our commitment to quality and healthy flavor. VedicPot's mission to protect people's health by using the principles of Vedic and Ayurvedic Cooking (pakvidya) in our products.

Our Specialities

Use Natural & Organic Ingredients
Use Natural & Organic Sweeteners
Follow Vedic Cooking Methods
Follow Ayurvedic Cooking Principles
Prepare Sweets with Vedic Hymns

Latest Blog

The Rejuvenator Sweet: A Holistic Treat to Detoxify and Revitalize Body & Mind

By Meera Sapariya

The Rejuvenator Sweet: A Holistic Treat to Detoxify and Revitalize Body & Mind

In today’s hectic world, our bodies and minds are constantly exposed to stress, pollutants, and harmful toxins. To restore balance and revitalize our inner selves, we need more than just...

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Best Bone & Cardio Tonic Sweet: The Ultimate Ayurvedic Delight for Health and Wellness

By Meera Sapariya

Best Bone & Cardio Tonic Sweet: The Ultimate Ayurvedic Delight for Health and Wellness

In today’s fast-paced world, finding a balance between taste and health is often a challenge. But what if there was a sweet that not only delighted your senses but also...

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The Immunity Booster Sweet: A Delicious and Nutritious Ayurvedic Marvel

By Meera Sapariya

The Immunity Booster Sweet: A Delicious and Nutritious Ayurvedic Marvel

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining good health has become more important than ever. What if you could enjoy a delicious treat that also strengthens your immune system? Enter VEDICPOT’s Immunity Booster...

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स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं |

आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च: || (चरक संहिता)

Protecting the health of a healthy person and curing the disease of the patient means making the patient healthy.

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।

प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ (सुश्रुत संहिता)

An individual/person who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s Dosha, Agni (digestive fire), Dhatus (tissues), Malah kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind), all are in state of happiness, is considered as a Healthy individual.