"Rochanam Deepanam Vrishyam Adrakam Vishvabhaishajam"
Ginger is described as Maha Aushadh, Vishvabhaisajam in Ayurveda. It is best for increased Appetite and helps to improve Digestion. Anti microbial, Anti Viral immunomodulatory properties helps to protect against infections especially Respiratory System. We all have seen its best results in COVID 19.Anti inflammatory and Anti oxidant properties control Arthritis and Anti Aging Process.
It has Anti cancer, Anti Diabetic properties also and helps to reduce obesity.
Abhrak Bhasma
It’s Rasayan Property is useful in Diabetes, Respiratory & Digestion System.
Betel leaf
it is used as a stimulant, an antiseptic, helps to improve Respiratory system.
Guduchi Satva
Unique Immunomodulator Herb, Sarvrogahar & Tridosh Shamak.
Herbo Minerals
Shankh Bhasma, Loh Bhasma etc., rich source of Iron, Calcium and Minerals.